Monday is also the day when I discover that Dereje spent 2 months 15 days in prison for “Believing in Jesus” – under the Communist regime – and when he shared his faith he was beaten in front of the other prisoners – the other girl we will meet in his household is his niece (his sister-in-law died in labour).
Dean has had a brilliant idea and brought a polaroid camera with him. This is a huge hit because we are able to give a photo to the kids there and then as they receive their 'goody bag' - it is like watching a sprint race - as soon as the shutter goes the kids are rushing up to Dean to see their photo
Monday afternoon was set aside for the TIMKAT FESTIVAL. This is celebrated by the Orthodox church on Ethiopia and celebrates the Baptism of Jesus – As a ‘Baptist’ I am very much in favour of Celebration, festival, food and baptism – so this should be good. It seems to be a big parade. Each Orthodox church has its own “Ark of the covenant” containing the “Tabot” and on this one occasion in the year the Tabots are brought out from each of the churches accompanied by singing, chanting, and the strange guttural wail of the women signifying respect and worship. Each church then slowly parades with their Tabot and Crucifix sheltered under umberellas – as each church joins the parade the crowd and noise swells and they eventually congregate at the football ground – we reckon there are about 15,000 at the ground (there are only 20,000 in Debre Birhan) and the main Tabot (from Trinity orthodox church) stays at the ground overnight. The following morning there is more celebration followed by baptisms. Romance is also in the air – If you are approached by someone bearing a lemon this is used as a symbol of romance and an intention to be romantically linked. Needless to say, we kept a close eye on the kids, who regularly drew attention from the other kids of the town. In the evening we return to base for evening meal, 66/365 and bed. The beds are Ok, the electricity is intermittent, but we still haven’t worked out the food (burgers seem to be out of stock) :(
In the evening there is great delight because Burgers are finally on the menu!! This is counterbalanced by the fact that the coffee machine now refuses to give us the steamed milk which has been drunk by the bucketload up till now. . . . . anyway the kids seem content.
WEDNESDAY This will again prove to be a very moving day. The main event is GRAIN DISTRIBUTION. Arriving at the church compound we discover enough grain to be divided between 50 families. The money for this venture has come from 3 sources. Mick and Jules running a book exchange/lending library. The children have collected their loose change and Keith Carter has made a contribution as a generous memorial to his wife Carolyn who sadly passed away about 13-14 months ago. There is an air of anticipation around the place and a number of women speak on behalf of the local people to say thank you. I fel a little embarassed - we never have any problem finding food to eat and these people, just have so little - yet they are kind generous and thoughtful of others. to watch >
When we ask what they will do with the wheat and how long it will last, there are some huge smiles. The grain will last about 2 months for each household and will supplement their existing resources. Within 10 minutes a plate arrives from one of the homes with food on it. It looks like a pancake and we are invited to try it with some of the spice that is sprinkled accross the middle of it. The spice turns out to be the much talked about 'Burberry' which has a reputation for being hot. The next day 3 more dishes are presented to us - Kolo - which tastes just like Shredded Wheat - Tefflan - which is like a boiled mixture of lentils and grain and the third dish is like a cheesy mash with a spice butter in the middle. All made by the generous hands of two ladies who have very little stuff in their lives.
Some of the grain is carried away on a garry - (see picture to right)
At last we have worked out the Hotel restaurant - my daily intake is Breakfast; Continental (sometimes with eggs or porridge) - Lunch; Tuna sandwich and evening main course Tibs - on a personal cooking stove - The reason we can't have Burgers today is because it is a fast day.
THURSDAY Thursday is our chance to visit some local schools and go looking for the famous Gelada baboons which are only found in this area. We split up for the day - Three are going into the rural areas - "Chimberi" while the rest of us follow the road to Desse and "Broken Mountain" - (where apparently the Italians rounded up a load of locals and pushed them off the edge). Thursday can only be described as THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY THE GOOD - visiting schools was great fun. We could have stayed all day!!! There is a lovely video clip of Dean in the middle of all the kids - every time we move to a new classroom faces appear at the windows. My own children recognise the teaching material - Oxford press - teaching books. The school has an area where they grow some crops and beans - they even have their own well - 57metres deep. The head master is warm and friendly and asks if we could supply desks and a new photocopier (no promises made).
THE BAD - Unfortunately the cloud was low and the diggers were noisy - this meant that when we did finally find Broken Mountain, the baboons were nowhere to be seen. The clouds did break just enough to see the spectacular view of the cleft in the mountain and the sheer drop. The bonus was that when we stopped for lunch we happened accross some kids out looking after their sheep/goats/donkeys and they took great delight in cracking their whips - the sound echoed down the valley THE UGLY - Thursday also brought the worst moment of the whole trip. The group who went to Chimberi had a great time at the school and even saw the Gelada Baboons, but on the way back driver error meant they had an accident on a steep, unmade, mountain road. Apparently the driver stalled the 4X4; couldn't restart it and in the panic rolled backwards - whatever happened next - the party found themselves with the 4X4 on its side and the eerie quiet that accompanies these moments. Providentially no-one was seriously hurt and the driver forfeited his tip, making his way back to Addis at night, for fear of being stopped by the police. THURSDAY EVENING - The church put on a "campfire" which meant freshly butchered goat cooked over the campfire. I am so proud of Kt - Dean (who has been a butcher) took her over to see the freshly dispatched goat and then we sat round the fire (Coke in hand) and enjoyed the company and the spectacle as we waited for supper. Keith, who had just a couple of hours earlier been in the accident, arrived from the hotel and we really appreciated the hospitality shown to us all. After the campfire our new friends started to disperse when Dean pulled a trump card out of his bag - Marshmallows and skewers - this proved an irresistable lure to adults and children alike. FRIDAY - Our final day is no less eventful than any other - the electricity in Debre Birhan has mysteriously disappeared. This means the fuel pumps don't work and we haven't got enough fuel to get back to Addis for our return flight. After 3 hours searching our hosts return with a minibus full of fuel. When I ask where it has been sourced, I get the intriguing answer "the black market" - ask no further questions! We meet with the leadership team of the church - who are inspiring company - they face the challenge of Holistic Ministry, where they minister to the poor and teach them of a saviour. They also face the financial challenges of staffing the church and building on a new site, where the authorities have given them permission to build.
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