Video files
Diary of a week in Debre Birhan
Background to how it all started
Fundraising via Amazon Internet shopping  

Background - How did all this start?

Bob Geldof started it – but he has moved on to other projects!!

From September 2005 to September 2007 Colin and Ellen – two people from our local church went to Ethiopia and stayed and worked in a town called Debre Birhan with VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas). They sent us brilliant newsletters telling us what it was like living in Ethiopia and we wanted to help them.

So far our local church has sent about £3,500 out to the local Church in Debre Berhan and we have supported 30 of the poorest children in the world (Ethiopia is the 6th poorest country in the world) for 2 1/2 years (That works out at £33 per child per year) and that gives them clothes, some food and education fees -

Some of our people asked why aren’t part of the shop any more, so we have signed up for an account with Amazon and if you buy something through the amazon links on this website we promise to give at least 2.5% (often as much as 5%) of what you spend to children in Ethiopia.

Our first target is to raise £33 – cos that will change the life of one child for a whole year.

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