More Kissing

Back in the sixth form at school, I studied (or perhaps more accurately – turned up for lessons) in Geology. Epochs and eras, missing links, rocks and strata . . . all very interesting!

I sat next to a good friend called Andy Moreton and sometimes we got each other into trouble. One of our pastimes was to ask “what is your favourite?” – Duncan Grant (the teacher who liked us all to treat him as a mate) was easy to distract. Anything from favourite footballer to favourite pudding would while away half a lesson.

I discovered towards the end of my studies that Dunc had told the year below they were “all like Hardingham and Moreton – you don’t do enough work and you will all fail!!” Needless to say this was the only subject I ever revised for and took great delight in visiting the class just to make sure DG knew I had passed . . . with a decent grade – in my opinion!

Anyway . . . back to favourites. I was once removed from the class because I told my favourite Joke and caused uproar – DG missed the punch line and when I refused to re-tell, he sent me out!

Another lesson and I asked Andy what his favourite verse in the bible was – His answer was Proverbs 5:3 – having a bible in my bag, I looked up the verse:

“The lips of another man’s wife are sweeter than Honey”

Poor Andy – “Anyone’s wife in particular?”

Grabbing the bible he quickly demonstrated his mild dyslexia and showed everyone Proverbs 3:5

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight”

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